DAR Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The National and State Daughters of the American Revolution traveled to Camp Atterbury Nov 16 for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the USO in honor of the generous donation they provided to update and expand the USO’s kitchen. The Camp Atterbury USO provides a home away from home experience for the service members who work and come to train at Camp Atterbury.
Thank you Daughters of the American Revolution National Headquarters for your continued support of the USO of Indiana, Camp Atterbury and the over 100,000 Service Members that visit our centers annually who get to enjoy the newly renovated kitchen, the 26 computers, picnic tables and many other items donated by your organization over the years!
So far this year over 68,000 service members have been able to utilize the USO. Generous donations from organizations like DAR allow the USO of Indiana to continue the mission of keeping service members connected to family, home and country.