Chick-fil-A Military Family Christmas Party 2016

The Hamilton Town Center Chick-fil-A restaurant hosted 24 military families to an evening of great food, great fun and a sit down with Santa Claus December 13th. “Since we opened this restaurant last year, we have been very blessed,” stated Holly Hartman, the restaurant’s Marketing and Events Director. “We really wanted an opportunity to give back to our community and hosting some military families with the USO this Christmas is a great way to do it.”
The children ranged from ages 2 months to 16 years, and covered all branches of the service. Many of the youngsters sat down to listen to, Twas the night before Christmas read by Mrs. Claus and as she finished, the big guy arrived. The crowd came to life as the forty-four children waited for their turn with Santa. “All of a sudden it got crazy in here,” said USO Indiana Executive Director Charles Ridings, “In-Santa-ty.” Every one of the children got their turn with Santa as the smart phones came out for photos.
As the families gathered their jackets and gloves the Chick-fil-A staff passed out freshly backed chocolate chip cookies and wished them well. The effort put forth by Sam and Holly Hartman and their team was well appreciated by our military families. It was a great evening keeping our service members connected to family, home and country.